2008年3月26日 星期三

office 中的隱藏遊戲

  1. Word 97/2000 - 繞口令
    1. 開啟方式:啟動Word,新建一個空白文檔,在文檔中輸入“=rand()”(不包括引號),按 Enter 鍵,看看會顯示出什麼?
    2. 打開 Word 文件,同時按住Ctrl、Shift、Alt,這時候再按下“?”,你發現了什麼?問號都反過來了
  2. Excel 2000 - 赛车游戏
    開啟方式:啟動Excel 2000後,新建一個新文件,選擇“ 文件 → 另存為Web頁…”,
    在“另存為”對話框中,選中“選擇:工作表”和“添加交互”兩項,然後點擊“發佈”, 出現“發佈為Web頁”對話框,再點擊“發佈”。OK,用IE打開剛才保存的HTM文件,我們能在頁面中央看到這個Excel工作表。在這個工作表中,先用PageDown鍵跳到第 2000 行,選擇 "2000" highlight 整行,再按 tab 到 WC 欄,確定 WC2000 被選擇後,同時按住Shift、Ctrl和Alt鍵,單擊Excel工作簿左上角的Office標志……硬盤狂響後一個全屏的賽車游戲開始了! 方向鍵用來控制汽車方向與快慢,空格鍵用來發子彈,按“H”鍵可以打開車燈,按“F10”可以暫停,按“Esc”鍵退出。怎麼樣,夠精彩吧!


2008年3月20日 星期四

Daily English 每日英語

三月二十日 題目: 用英文叫外賣
  • Pizza man: Hello? Pizza Palace (皇宮).
  • Daren: Yes, I’d like to order a couple of pizza to be delivered.
  • Pizza man: OK. Do you want large, medium or small and any toppings (奶油).
  • Daren: can I have 2 large pizzas – one with pepperoni (辣味香腸) and one with olives (橄欖)?
  • Pizza man: Sure. That’ll be $15.95. The pizzas will be delivered in 20 minutes, or we’ll give you the cheaper one free.
  • Daren: Great! Don’t rust!
  • Delivery
    convey; give; express; give birth; redeem; surrender
  • Cheap
    not expensive

三月十九日 題目: 利用英語獲得更的醫療照顧
  • Doctor: Hi, Ken. You don’t look very well. What seems to be the problem? My receptionist told me it was urgent.
  • Ken: Help me doctor. I think I’m dying! Thanks for giving me the appointment so quickly.
  • Doctor: What are your symptoms? I’ll take your temperature and blood pressure. Are you getting enough sleep? Have you changed your diet lately?
  • Ken: I’ve got a pounding (猛擊的) headache, a sore (痛的) stomach and a dry throat. I’m eating the same things I always eat and I usually sleep eight hours a night.
  • Doctor: When did this start? Have you ever felt this way before? You have a little fever and your eyes are red but your blood pressure is alright (正常).
  • Ken: When I woke up this morning after the party. Actually, I always feel this way after a party. I think maybe I’m allergic to parties. Do you have a pill for that?
  • Party
    social gathering, celebration
  • doctor
    person who is licensed to practice medicine

三月十八日 題目: 利用英語運作電子商務交易
  • What do you buy online? Is it safe?
  • What's your favorite e-business?
  • What do you think is the secret to online success?
  • Listen to these words and practice saying them for today's class...
  • success, e-business, payment, shipping, security, e-mail, confirmation
  • The internate has really changed the way people do business! Join a conversation class now and your live teacher will help you learn how to talk about e-commerce in English!
  • safe
    secure; guarded; protected; careful; cautious
  • commerce
    n. buying and selling

三月十七日 題目: 如何用英語討論電視廣告
  • Daren: I just bought a new camera.
  • Paolo: Why did you do that? Your old camera is in perfect condition!
  • Daren: I know! It's just that I saw an advert on TV about how this new camera will change my life...
  • Paolo: You fell for that!? That's why I never watch adverts they brainwash you into buying things you don't need or want!
  • Daren: You're right! I am going to stop watching adverts too! But first I need to go buy the new mobile phone I saw advertised this morning...
  • Paolo: Daren! You already have a mobile phone!
  • Daren: I have to buy this one though... it's going to change my life!
Raw XML: Dialog script & MP3 Download

2008年3月19日 星期三

Resign Letter

(Date, e.g. 1st March 200X)

(the name of your boss)
(company name and section work with)
(company's address)

Dear Mr. XXXXX,

I regret to inform you that I decide to resign from my present position(xxx) with effective from (date - the day after your last working day). Thank you for giving me a change to learn and gain valuable experience in (company name and section work with).

I hope my resignation would not cause you much inconvenience. Thanks for your kind attention and I would be grateful if you could write a reference letter for me before my leave.

Yours sincerely,

(sign here)

Middle part
I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks for all the support that I have received over the last few weeks, and for the enjoyable experience of having worked for your company.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude…

I wish all of you a prosperous future…

May I take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for the future…

Resignation Letter Samples:

2008年3月16日 星期日

手提電話拒收廣告 (拒收訊息登記冊 )

拒 收 訊 息 登 記 冊 Do-Not-Call Registers

用手提電話打去 1835000 登記

2008年3月7日 星期五

Shipping notes

Shipping documentation 的重要性
Documentation must be precise because slight discrepancies or omissions may prevent merchandise from being exported, result in nonpayment, or even result in the seizure of the shipment by customs.
Collection documents are subject to precise time limits and may not be honored by a bank if time has expired.

推薦 reference: http://www.export911.com/e911/export/comTerm.htm
圖解: http://www.export911.com/e911/export/incoterm.htm

21 Apr- 船務流程精簡版 (推薦)

19 Mar - Charges
bas 基本運費
baf 燃油附加費
caf 貨幣匯率附加費
isps 保安費 看用那間船公司
pss 旺季附加費 有d船公司已經開始取消
thc/orc 碼頭費 基本上usd141/269
doc fees 文件費


Sea Freight
  1. BAF / CAF - Bunker / Currency Adjustment Factor
    Remarks: Cargo from Far East to Europe
  2. PSS - Peak Season Surcharge
    Remarks: to Europe
  3. PCS - Port Security charge
    Remarks: Charge for permitting entry into or exit from the secure cargo area of terminal facility premises
    Ref: International Maritime Organization (IMO) - International ship & Port Security Code (ISPS) ; OnePort
  4. SSC - Security Surcharge
  5. RR - Rate Restoration - means rate revision
  6. General Rate Increasing (GRI) - 全部費率調高
  7. Detention Charge (DTS) 滯箱費
  8. Transport Arbitrary (DPA) 運輸雜費
  9. Bl Amendment Fee (AMF)
  10. Equip Management Fee (EMF)
  11. Container Cleaning (CCL)
  12. Late Gate Charge (LGC)
  13. Carrier Security Charge (SER) 貨運公司安全費
  14. Port additional (PAD) 碼頭額外附加費
  15. Basic Freight (BAS) 基本托運費
  16. Demurrage charge (DMR) 碼頭內櫃租費 (大陸叫法)
  17. International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) 保安費
  18. Automated Manifest System (AMS) 自運艙單系統 - 將美國海關所須之貨物通關資料,在班機抵達美國前,透過電子資料傳輸的方式,傳送至美國海關,以達到貨物預先清關的效果。

Air Freight
  1. FSC - Fuel Surcharge
    Ref: Civil Aviation Department - Passenger & Cargo Fuel Surcharges
  2. Fuel Adjustment Factor (FAF) / Yen Appreciation Surcharge (YAS)
    Remarks: Import/Export Cargo from/to Intra-Asia
Abbreviation Ref: http://www.hoitong.com/inside-08.html

19 Mar - Wooden Package Regulation
IPPC - Aim at prevent international spread of plant diseases.
  1. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局 [Link]
  2. IPPC & FAO Regulation

19 Mar - HK's Five terminals operators

  1. Hong Kong International Terminal Limited (HIT) 香港國際貨櫃碼頭 - operate Terminal 4, 6, 7, 9 (North)
  2. Modern Terminals Limited (MTL) 現代貨箱碼頭有限公司 - operate Terminal 1, 2, 5, 9 (South)
  3. China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company(COSCO) 中遠(香港)集團有限公司-HIT Terminals (Hong Kong) Limited (CHT) - co-operate Terminal 8 (East) with HIT
  4. Asia Container Terminals Limited (ACT) 亞洲貨櫃碼頭有限公司 - operate Terminal 8 (West)
  5. Dubai Port International Terminals Ltd. (DPI) - operate Terminal 3

17 Mar - 出口貨物流程 (CN)

17 Mar - CBM 計算方法 (CM / ft to CBM, 有例子)

指定關埸 --
目的地文件處理有否指定關口 (黑$在那裡花)

House B/L issues

3/3 - From Supervisor reply
But it will be duplicate in the document issuing. Normally, we just can put "Sc Delamode Romania SRL" in the delivery Agent on Hb/l if "Sc Delamode Romania SRL" is the Consignee in Mb/l. This condition is under marine rule, please understand our situation.
We need to provide the mb/l details to co-loader urgently on today, please confirm to us asap.

My conclusion: Delivery Agent in HB/L = Consignee in MB/L

7/3 - From Shipping Head's e-mail:
General practice on Hb/l -
Shpr : actual shpr
Cnee : actual cnee, bank or customs broker/freight agent.
Notify : actual cnee or broker/agent.

For this Bucharest shipment, our co-loader agent - ABC... is not our handling agent at destination so it has no obligation to act on behalf of our company. Please re-check and confirm whether we should still insert their name on our HB/L as Delivery agent or put franchisee's broker/agent (SC Delamode Romania SRL) as proper.

Conclusion: Co-loader Agent should not be shown on the HB/L as they are not our agent.

2008年3月2日 星期日

Data Recovery Software 遇數據災難後能恢復所有重要數據

  1. Power Data Recovery 4.1.1 繁體免註冊版 (推薦!!!)
    原文: http://www.uwants.com/viewthread.php?tid=5861537&highlight=recovery

  2. PC Inspector smart recovery
    可還原 Flash Drive, Memory Stick 的軟件

  3. HDD Regenerator v1.51 硬碟壞軌修復軟體

  4. 隨身碟病毒免疫器 V1.5
    USB 隨身碟病毒免疫器本工具可對選取硬碟進行特別的免疫處理,使得它的自動執行(Autorun)功能完失效,從而避免帶毒的 USB Flash Drive 插入本機後病毒立即自動執行。

  5. 更多 - 檔案救亡軟件大全
    MBR 修改, 記憶卡、USB手指、光碟、硬碟救亡

  6. Other Harddisk Issues (Capacity Restore, Low Level Format, etc)